Monday, June 13, 2005

Eighteen Months

I cannot believe that Daniel is a year and a half old! He's so sweet! His favorite words right now are, "I do it." "Shoe." "No, no, no, no, nonono!" "DaDA!" and "Dawg."

Daniel talks a lot right now, unfortunately, it is very difficult to comprehend what he means. He points and babbles very prolifically! He loves to climb up in your lap and cuddle, he dances like a groove monkey, he's wild and crazy (wonder which one of us he got that from?!!), and he is the most lovable, sweet, independent, stubborn, opinionated, and adorable child!

We are blessed to have this little boy child-gift from God! (Thank YOU GOD!)

I'm Gonna Get You!


Very pleased with the drool deposit on Mommy's leg after razzberrying her! Too Funny!

Happy Boy!

Close Up!

Razzberries for Mommy!