Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Three Years and Four Months Old

Daniel on the day he was born.
When a child is born, in most cases, you cannot know what their future will hold. You can imagine what they will be like and how they will grow, and you can hope and dream for their future, but you can't know. Recently some of our friends lost their first grandbaby when she was just one day short of a month old. Their children ( the parents of the baby) were so strong through the family night and the funeral, and the family dinner afterward. The maternal grandmother said that her daughter told her she cried herself to sleep so many nights during her pregnancy and after the baby was born too, and that God was keeping her strong.
Well, I have come home to my children after attending some of these services with a new appreciation. I am thankful to have happy, healthy, wonderful children.
I know I have said it before, but I am so blessed.
Thank you, God.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Daniel's Mirror

A few years ago we purchased a mirror from our neighbors, at a yardsale, with the intention of revamping it for our dining room wall. Well, it got stowed behind a chair and we never did anything with it until I pulled it out to go to the shed last year. I cleaned it and put it against the wall in the hall outside the kitchen. Within hours, Daniel had discovered it and had begun really checking himself out in it. He watched himself move in many different ways, looked closely at his face and his feet, looked in his mouth while chewing food, etc. He could often be found quietly playing with his reflection. So, the mirror is still in the hall leaning against a wall...Here's how I found the boys the other day: